Gradiscanskih Hrvata 11, Pridraga

phone: 00 385 91 7391 475

How to get here?

Dear guests,
please locate in your navigation Hablando bar & grill, Pridraga.
Our street is „Gradiscanskih Hrvata 11, Pridraga“ but unfortunately it´s not recognized by most navigations.

Lucija appartment

Take „Ribarska“ street and turn left into Boris Culina street. After 130 m turn right, then right again as shown on the photo.

As soon as you reach the parking please follow the instructions how to get to the entrance into your appartment.

Your key is situated in the mailbox at the left side of the stairs that lead to the appartment.

Leona appartment

When you are in front of Hablando, our house is located just behind it so it shouldn´t be a problem to reach it easily on foot. In order to reach it by car please follow the inctructions and the route described in the photo.

As soon as you reach the parking, open the gate, park and please follow the instructions how to get to the entrance into your appartment.

Your key is situated in the mailbox and the entrance to the appartment is next to the mailbox as you can see in the photo.

Safe with the key is inside the mailbox.

Please set the 4 digit code, open the locker and get the key out.